my knuckles turned white

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

so.. after a night/morning of doing nothing, (actually i have this report/slides to finish but i can't be bothered lah) i blog-hopped to a couple of people's blog. while i was hopping, i finally stumbled upon this blog i was so familiar with.

and i read through his, yeap his, entries and wow. i was actually wrong about him. i don't know. maybe because i refuse to look beyond his flaws (hint hint, he left me for someone else) and simply forgot about him still being a human with feelings. so poor thing ah.

i really can't believe i'm actually saying this but, he has really grown up! wow. supprising for someone who acts childish all this while just to get whatever he wants. i guess, his actions grew with age. another year or a few more months, he'll be 21.

i'm happy that he has finally grown up. but love wise, aww so sad he can't get that girl he wants. karma lah dude! heh. okay fine, you'll find her soon lah. and she'll love you for who you truly are. unlike me right???

still, i don't wish to know where he is now or where he hangs out or who he friends with. not interested really. okaylah fine. the thought of him still hurts me. leaving someone for someone else or cheating is the lowest. i was hurt too much with him.

i don't think i would want to be friends with him. still not the time yet. then again, i don't think he wants to be friends with me!! yeah lah, i'm not cool mahh. i can't design for nuts. i can't draw as well. and he once told me, i can't even style. hmmm.. whatever lah dude.

as i was saying 2 entries before, if you can change, why can't i? hmm? maybe we'll meet in 2985984682938719543785624 years from now somewhere. maybe we could be friends then. yeap. maybe.


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