my knuckles turned white

Thursday, May 25, 2006


this is so great! i come to school and there's nothing to do. actually there are 5 things i have to do but i missed yesterday's lecture so i have no idea what to do! isn't this just great and fun and happy and awesome? *gives a wide smile*


wait till i'm sitting for my common test and the result will show otherwise. fantastic fazlinda. good job! well done! you deserve a pat on the back. (more like on the head because you take things so lightly!)

i have to wake up now and smell the coffee otherwise i have to repeat this module.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

hello! selekeh woman coming your way! Posted by Picasa


why, hello. finally i'm updating this blogspot of mine. well, things been going real fast and alot has happened through out this half a year. i have a new boyfriend so YEY to that. erm, i'm in 2nd year, YEY to that too. work is good. finally i'm earning my own money and it feels good buying things with my own money but at the same time my heartaches cause well, i don't realise how much i've spent till i do the accounts and seeing my bank account depleting each time. sigh. hmmm.. what else.. well, that's about it. ouh ouh, driving is good too. hopefully everything else goes well. :] alright2 will update more soon. taaz!