my knuckles turned white

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

4th April 08: Out with my girl yanah

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5th April 08: Tanglin Flea with my girls!

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7th April 08: New car and work havoc

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10th April 08: Finale with my darling excos!

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My colleagues and team mates + supervisor!

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16th April 08: My girls at The Soup Spoon buying Hairul's Bday gift

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Hairul's Gift!

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Gruesome picture ah! haha My 5 stitches :)

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17th - 20th April 08: IRAS with my favourite colleagues!

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paperwork! what a drag.

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counting taxes!!!

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me with my darling fiza :)

25th April 08: my "last lunch" with them

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hi Mr Geek in white! He's damn hot.

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marshmallow brownie is damn sinful.

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officially my last day/lunch

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haz bahagia dengan polaroid!

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19th April 08: Hairul's belater SURPRISE birthday party!

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artsy fartsy kamal...

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then kena sabo! haha

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3:30 pm and still no Hairul.

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TADAAAA! Birthday boy!!!

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Happy 21st Birthday Hairul!

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Final group shot!

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okay he's happy!

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no comment.

that kinda sums up my april. sorry for the lack of words and updates. oh and finally i got a new phone and a LINE! yey! been surviving with prepaid since i was in secondary 2. haha. yes. anyways, next monday will be my first day back in school. i'm nervous and well scared because dude, this is uni! no joke! i've got to get my things right this time around because the parents are paying a bom for this. anyways peeps, happy labor day! ;)