my knuckles turned white

Friday, March 30, 2007

your method of executing tasks is different from mine.
i like to involve the people around me.
however you like it to be like the way it should be and doesn't really matter if it involves me or any other people.
if you don't like it, you just reject and move along.
understand you need to be the "disciplinary" here but you're method is bull!
you hinder their progression. cut them some slack but still remind them that they're running out of time. why can't we just work something out? at this very point of time, we all hate the way you work. why do you like to rock the boat when it's already in the storm?

perfection isn't everything.

You are feeling exhausted, worn out, drained. You feel that far too much is being asked of you but you still want to overcome these difficulties and establish yourself despite the effect such an effort seems to have on you. You are a proud person, assertive most of the time, but at this particular moment you are acting as if you have become resigned to the situation. What you need is some tender loving care - a gentle pat on the head (or maybe a 'kick-up-the backside') and then you'll be raring to go.

You are a true extrovert, frivolous and outgoing. You need to feel in control of any situation. If matters are not proceeding according to plan you tend to get extremely irritable and perhaps become difficult to live with.

You feel very lonely and frustrated at this time but your shyness and modesty precludes you from establishing any deep form of relationship. You feel rather isolated and alone. You are egocentric and you believe that you are always right - well maybe you are - but you have a short fuse and are likely to take offence for the slightest reason.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You are trying to build up your own position and you resist all external influences. You insist that you are your own person and you will not tolerate any outside interference. Decisive and proud, you are true managerial material.

O_O freaky lorrrrr.......

i'm freaking pissed.
probably because i'm having my period
but still some people love to make me angry.
i'm not sure if it's purposely or what ah.

dude, you're pissing me every single time. you don't appreciate me lah. i know that i don't say it in your face about this but you should know. and it's fucking rude lah when you say,"night person". wtf was that suppose to mean? you dunno my name is it? if you dun then dun need to wish me good night. i dun even need it. really. you should save your cents and sms other people like for example that girl in australia. it has to be all about you. YOU YOU YOU and YOU. right? RIGHT! because the world revolves around you only. FUCKER! you freaking irritating you know?

fucking retards!javascript:void(0)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

i know i could go back to my previous 2 posts and like edit the post and put this post in the previous 2 posts but i decided not to because this IS my blog and i shall do whatever i wish to do here.

right. so, we're neither here nor there. and i cannot make the shot because who the hell am i to call the shots here? hmmm?

well anyways, i think i'm sleeping in school later. i think i want to cut my hair a little shorter but i'm still unsure. Oh oh! i need to buy contacts too. i'm trying to be pretty here. *smiles*

i'm a sucker for chinese guys who can speak malay.


it was freaking disappointing when i saw the results!
i got a freaking B for the module i hated most but
i got a stupid F for the module i'm specialising in.

god! i don't think i can finish off my diploma.
and if i do, i won't be accepted in any firms man.

and i'm not asleep yet! why? because i thought i could "help"
my friend do our proposal for the 10 am meeting later with the lecturers
but, she's apparently MIA.

Monday, March 12, 2007

awak nak kite tak?

YAY! he sms-ed me. forwaded good night message but still it was something.


kalau kite betul-betul nak, mesti ade care nye

direct translation:if there's a will, there's a way.

that caption or rather line was taken from the movie CINTA, the movie that i drained my tankful of tears to yesterday afternoon at home alone. the movie itself moved me and taught me a great lesson of how love is interpretted by different people. there's love between a sister and a brother, love between 2 elderly people who are trapped in time, undying love of a guy towards his ex-wife and the normally love shared between 2 people.

sigh, if only people could treasure time, love and effort.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

i need to be loved

by you.